20 January 2008

Some informative websites

GSN · Global Sisterhood Network - Feminists from around the world working together to improve women's lives:

London Feminist Network -This group is to bring together feminist individuals and groups working on women's rights in London, UK.:

Thinking Women is a discussion and networking group promoting the achievements and progression of women in society, politics and the workplace. It is open to all women who want to make an impact in their working lives and beyond, through sharing knowledge and ideas. We meet mainly in Manchester but are virtually available anywhere via our website.

UK Feminist Action - This list aims to provide a network and a central place for UK feminists of all ages, backgrounds and politicial affiliations to share news about feminist activism, activities, groups, events, protests, campaigns etc., to support each other, to ask for advice and help and ultimately to encourage feminist activism in the UK. This list is NOT a general feminist discussion list but rather a *resource* to share information about activism and action. Please read the list Charter before posting.

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International Women’s Day is 08th March 2008, and there is no better place to celebrate it then London, England – the most global capital in the world. Read about planned events for this most electric day for women world-wide. And every now and again I will post human rights issues near and dear to my heart.