15 July 2008

A response from Autonomous Feminist Womyn’s Gathering

Yippee (well I am in my early 50’s)…………………………I have just heard from the organizers of Autonomous Feminist Womyn's Gathering in Vienna, and it is open to all womyn…………………………….so I will try to attend. It has been more than a decade since I have been to Austria, and I love the thought of meeting feminists with various perspectives.

By the way get in contact with the sisters in feminism if you have suggestions for a workshop.

In sisterhood always,


Here is their contact information:

Autonom-Feministisches Frauen-Lesben-Treffen
c/o Autonomes FrauenLesbenMädchenZentrum
Währinger Straße 59 / Stiege 6
A 1090 Wien

Autonomous Feminist Womyn’s Gathering
c/o Autonomous WomenLesbianGirl’s Center
Währinger Straße 59 / Stiege 6
A 1090 Vienna

Tel/Fax: 0043 1 4085057 (answering machine)
Web: feministgathering.wolfsmutter.com

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International Women’s Day is 08th March 2008, and there is no better place to celebrate it then London, England – the most global capital in the world. Read about planned events for this most electric day for women world-wide. And every now and again I will post human rights issues near and dear to my heart.