31 March 2008

Show your support for Anatole Zali

Please see Amnesty International’s campaign asking Switzerland to stop their forcible return of eighteen year old Cameroonian national Anatole Zali. Mr. Zali is homosexual and in his native country his sexual orientation is a punishable crime.

Become familiar with Anatole Zali’s plight and please act now.


29 March 2008

Interesting blogs for thinking folks




Conference to Remember Du’a Khalil and denounce Honour Killings globally!

Date: Saturday, 12th April, 2008

Time: 5.00-9:00pm
Address: University of London Union (ULU)
Room 3D
Malet Street
London, WC1E 7HY
Closest underground: Russell Square

Last year the world was stunned by images of a 17 year old girl being stoned to death in Iraqi Kurdistan; an international panel will debate the rise of honour killings, violence against women, gender apartheid and political Islam in Kurdistan/Iraq and the Middle East.

The speakers include women’s rights activists, academics and experts from Kurdistan, Iraq,

Iran, Sweden, New Zealand, and Britain and include:
-Dr Sandra Phelps: Head of Sociology Department, Kurdistan University
-Houzan Mahmoud: representative of Organisation Women’s Freedom in Iraq
-Heather Harvey: head of women’s campaign-Amnesty International in UK
-Maryam Namazie: Spokesperson of Equal Rights Now; Organisation against Women's

Discrimination in Iran:
-Maria Hagberg: Cofounder of Network against Honour Killings in Sweden
-Azar Majedi: Chair of Organisation for Women’s Liberation in Iran
Chair: Maria Exall, Communication Workers' Union National Executive in UK

For more information and to confirm your attendance please contact the organiser:

Houzan Mahmoud: houzan2007@yahoo.com Tel: 07534264481

Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq- Abroad representative www.equalityiniraq.com

23 March 2008

IslamExpo 2008 in London

This expo brings together Muslims from a myriad of cultures and ideologies, and invites non-Muslims to learn more about Islam and its various forms in a safe environment. No they are not seeking to convert or influence. The conference simply aims to illustrate Islam through the ages and through the prism of the multiple cultures that the faith has touched. I attended the IslamExpo in 2006, and it was brilliant.

There will be workshops, lectures, debates, panels, discussions, Islamic gardens, concerts and more.

The Expo will be held at:
Olympia Venue
Hammersmith Road
LondonW14 8UX

Disabled Visitor Enquiries+44 (0)20 7370 8078



You may contact them by phone, mail or email

Islam Expo
36 Millennium House
Humber Road London NW2 6DW
Tel: +44 0845 108 5101
Fax: +44 0845 108 5102
Sales: +44 0845 108 5103
E-mail: info@islamexpo.com

*****Wrap-up of this blog will be written shortly*****

16 March 2008

International Women's Day 2008 in London

Well I am back from my trip. The experiences I had were varied, intense, wonderful, scary, edifying, annoying, familiar, new, frustrating, moving and beautiful. It was a grand trip. I of course did not have time to do everything that was planned, but in the four days I was in the capital much was accomplished.

For now I will give you a brief overview of what was done and seen, and in the coming days I will go into detail. Here goes:

· Saw some friends
·Attended Capitalwoman 08
·I saw Angela Davis in person
·Checked out a Trade Fair
·Shared a meal with an Algerian/American family and their Palestinian friend in a Middle Eastern restaurant on Edgware Road in Marble Arch. I met this wonderful group of people at the Trade Fair I attended, and they invited me to share a meal and some conversation with them. It was such an edifying way to end a Saturday evening in London.
·Gave a workshop at 9th Feminist March Gathering
·Visited the improvised community of Hackney for the first time after 21 years of travel to London
·Made connections with feminists from a myriad of perspectives, i.e. lesbian, ecological, Asian, Black, European, Jewish and Transgendered.
· Met some human rights activists from Zimbabwe – well in fact I met some human rights activists from many, many parts of the world
· Made it to a lecture on women in Palestine
· After several years of membership at the British Museum actually attended one of its members’ nights.
· Met an American fashion designer who has lived in the UK for many, many years
· Attended Solemn Mass at Westminster Cathedral
· Made it to ICC. I missed Salat ul Zuhr (noon prayer), but I browsed the bookstore and had a brilliant conversation with a Muslim woman dressed in a black niqab and abaya. We had in some respects different ideologies, but we were able to converse simply on the fact that we were both women of the Book.
· Purchased some wonderful books at a resale shop across the street from the British Museum
· Had a myriad of conversations with all manner of Londoners
· And even had a man come to my rescue while I shopped for groceries in Waitrose – I was not a damsel in distress, but this English gentleman did come to my aid.
· Hey one more thing. The senior pilot on the flight to London was a woman. It was just so fitting given I was crossing the pond for International Women’s Day.
As promised in the opening sentences more later.......................................

15 March 2008

SAVE Southall Black Sisters - deadline 06th May 2008

Support the petition submitted by Jessica Southgate to keep Southall Black Sisters, a secular organisation that provides support and answers to a myriad of women of Ealing and beyond who are victims of violence and coercion. The deadline to sign is 06th May 2008.Please note you must be a UK citizen, resident, expatriate, in an overseas territory, a Crown dependency or in the Armed Forces (UK national).

Pass this link along:


14 March 2008

A petition to make International Women's Day a holiday in the UK

Support the petition submitted by Sabrina Qureshi (Coordinator) of Million Women Rise to make International Women's Day a public holiday in the UK.

Please note you must be a UK citizen, resident, expatriate, in an overseas territory, a Crown dependency or in the Armed Forces (UK national).

Pass this link along:


Deadline is 07th December 2008

05 March 2008

International Women's Day website

Give a peak to this International Women's Day website that lists almost 600 events in almost 50 countries. And yes I do realise that there are places beyond London. Here is the website:


“DON’T FORGET US!” - Ronak Safarzadeh and Hana Abdi


These are the words of two young women, Ronak Safarzadeh and Hana Abdi, detained by the Iranian government for the last six months accused of:

· ‘Endangering national security’
· ‘Collaboration with foreign backed groups’
· ‘Disturbing public opinion and moral’

They are not terrorists. Ronak Safarzadeh and Hana Abdi are equal rights advocates working in the deprived Kurdistan villages of Iran.

Since 12th June 2006, there have been over 300 known cases of arrests/detention for advocates of equal rights. These men and women have worked within the confines of the existing Islamic laws governing Iran yet the very same laws have been used to arrest and detain them.

They are advocates of freedom for all in Iran, and yet they are faced with social and legal discrimination, as well as cultural barriers. Still these Iranians citizens have found ways of working within the system towards equal social and political rights.

On Saturday, March 8th 2008, International Women’s Day, Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI) will launch a year long programme of celebrations to honour the courage and achievements of Iranian women under oppression.

For more information contact:website: http://www.aciiran.com/, email: http://mail.google.com/mail/h/qenjqxqu7xhb/?v=b&cs=wh&to=London@aciiran.comACI - PO Box 7630 London NW6 3ZB, England. Tel 44 20 7328 8415 Fax 44 20 7328 1484Registered Offices: Paris-France, London-England, Berlin-Germany, Zurich-Switzerland, Washington D.C.-USA

Fawcet - 05th March 2008 - Get Acquainted

On the Wednesday, 5th of March Fawcett will be open its doors to the general public in order to find out what you think about Fawcett and their work. Fawcett is beckoning people from all backgrounds to come and learn about current projects and what role the public could play in helping us achieve gender equality. Fawcett’s Director, Dr Katherine Rake, will be answering your questions in person, e-mail and telephone. Just call us on 020 7253 2598 or e-mail

petronela.sasurova@fawcettsociety.org.uk to make an appointment.

03 March 2008

Getting to London from the States

This time of the year is off-season, so it is possible to fly from the USA to London relatively cheaply. Go online and scan the net for discount fares to the capital. As you know there are a myriad of discount airline brokers online.

In terms of hotels as the dollar seems to be taking a pounding (no pun intended) against the British currency, so airlines are doing favorable packages with great hotel packages to encourage Yanks to cross the pond. Also contact VistBritain.com to explore the possibility of renting a flat for visits of at least a week.

02 March 2008

Iraqi Women IWD in London

Blurb on Iraqi Women IWD in London:

Act Together: Women’s Action for Iraq is inviting you to join us in marking International Women’s Day 2008

Monday, 10th March 2008, 6-8:30pm
Venue: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Russell Square Reception: 6-6:30pm

Through the narratives from 8 women and digital photographs the lives of current Iraqi women will be shared.

Nadje Al-Ali:“The Impact of the occupation on Iraqi Women’s Every day lives”Film showing (15 min on Open Shutters)

Maysoon Pachachi:“Stories and Images of Iraqi Women Under Occupation”
The event is sponsored by the Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS.

Act Together, PO Box 34728, London N7 6XEhttp://www.acttogether.org/info@acttogether.org

01 March 2008

IWD - just a week away

Well I still have packing to do, and I am still finalising the syllabus for my workshop at the 9th March Feminist Gathering, ‘Women of the Book who go by the Name Feminists’. Still more IWD events are being announced every day. So here is a cheat sheet from Women in London (http://www.womeninlondon.org.uk/). Please note this list does not contain all the events in the capital, but it is comprehensive:

** International Women's Day campaign marks 6 year anniversary of the kidnap of Ingrid Betancourt **
23-Feb (Green Pary) England and Wales
** Libertarias - IWD screening at Haringey Independent Cinema **
06-Mar 19:00:00 (HIC) London N15
** Wonderful Women Stand-Up **
06-Mar 20:00:00 (Brighton and Hove Women's Day) Brighton
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Opening Night Gala **
06-Mar 20:10:00 (Bird's Eye View) London Southbank
** Joolz Denby - plus - Mab Jones and Reality for IWD **
06-Mar 20:30:00 (Apple and Snakes) London E1
** The Gathering - Bodies and Memory Festival - Celebrating
International Women's Day Week (until 9th) **
07-Mar (Bernie Grant Arts Centre) London N15
07-Mar 10:00:00 (Lincoln Area Regeneration Group) London E3
** IWD Tower Hamlets: MUDCHUTE PAMPER DAY **
07-Mar 10:00:00 (Mudchute Childrens Centre) London E14
07-Mar 11:00:00 (Community of Refugees from Vietnam – East London) London E14
** IWD Tower Hamlets: WOMEN IN ACTION **
07-Mar 12:00:00 (Tower Hamlets Sickle Cell and Thallasaemia Centre) London E2
** IWD City University - Free Complementary Health Taster Sessions **
07-Mar 12:00:00 (Not known) London Central
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Lakshmi And Me + Migration **
07-Mar 18:30:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
07-Mar 20:30:00 (Alternative Arts) London E1
** Transport to Million Women Rise leaves from Nottinghamd **
08-Mar 08:00:00 (eastside (east midlands) wimmins coalition against violence) Nottingham
** Capital Woman 2008 **
08-Mar 09:00:00 (City Hall) London SE1
** Feminism Then and Now - Free Conference **
08-Mar 09:30:00 (Bolton Women's Liberation Group) Bolton
08-Mar 10:30:00 (Spread the Word Writing Course) London E1
08-Mar 11:00:00 (Women's Environmental Network) London E1
** International Women's Day Event **
08-Mar 11:00:00 (44 Portland Place (YWCA)) London W1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: WOMEN'S ENTERPRISE DAY Showcasing Women in Business **
08-Mar 11:00:00 (Limehouse Project) London E14
** IWD Tower Hamlets: ASIATICA **
08-Mar 11:00:00 (Globe Bengali Mohila Samity) London E2
** Celebrate International Women's Day at the Hillingdon Womens Centre **
08-Mar 12:00:00 (Hillingdon Womens Centre) London Hillingdon
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Flying: Confessions Of A Free Woman + Q&A (Part 1) **
08-Mar 12:00:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC2
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Flying: Confessions Of A Free Woman + Q&A (Part 2) **
08-Mar 12:00:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC2
** A million women will march Saturday 8th March 2008 **
08-Mar 12:00:00 (Million Woman Rise) London central
** Stand up and be counted - for a woman's right to choose! **
08-Mar 12:30:00 (Abortion Rights) London Westminster
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Sleepwalking Land + Q&A **
08-Mar 13:00:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: CONFERENCE: The Role of Bangladeshi Women
in British Society **
08-Mar 14:00:00 (Bangladesh Mohila Sanstha) London E1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: BE COUNTED **
08-Mar 14:00:00 (Amaal Girls Group) London E1
** IWD Celebrations to honour the courage and achievements of Iranian women under oppression **
08-Mar 14:00:00 (ACI) London W2
** Free participatory performance, a women rendez-vous on the 8th of March **
08-Mar 15:00:00 (Nathalie Dubreu) London SE1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: IWD EXTRAVAGANZA **
08-Mar 15:00:00 (Project Space and New Avenues Youth & Community Project) London E1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: CONCERT: Songs for Women's Rights **
08-Mar 17:00:00 (Udichi Shilpi Gosthi) London E1
** Nivea Funny Women Stand Up on International Women's Day **
08-Mar 19:00:00 (Funny Women) London EC4
** Electric Landladies IWD Gig **
08-Mar 19:30:00 (Chats Palace) London East
08-Mar 20:30:00 (Alternative Arts) London E1
** Feminist Gathering in London **
09-Mar (9th March Group) London
** IWD Tower Hamlets: WOMEN'S DAY ON THE FARM **
09-Mar 12:30:00 (Spitalfields City Farm) London E1
** IWD Tower Hamlets: ARTISTS TALK: Sanchita Islam **
09-Mar 12:30:00 (Beside Tower Hamlets Befriending Scheme) London E3
** WISE WORDS: BISHWO SHAHITTO KENDRO The World Literature Centre - with four Bangladeshi women writers **
09-Mar 18:30:00 (Alternative Arts) London E1
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Three Times Divorced **
09-Mar 18:30:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** 'Shaping Progress' International Women's Day Event Barking and Degenham **
10-Mar 09:15:00 (LB Barking and Dagenham) London Barking
** IWD Lunch at the House of Lords **
10-Mar 12:00:00 (Women's Housing Forum) London Westminster
** Women's Action for Iraq is inviting you to join us in marking International Women's Day 2008 **
10-Mar 18:00:00 (Act Together) London WC1
** TUC International Women's Day, Evening Reception **
10-Mar 18:00:00 (TUC) London WC1
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Dinner With The President: A Nation's Journey **
10-Mar 18:30:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** Sexual apartheid, political Islam and women's rights **
10-Mar 18:30:00 (Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Equal Rights Now, Organisation against women's discrimination in Iran)
London WC1
** Celebrate International Women's Day with women from Nicaragua**
10-Mar 19:00:00 (Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign) London WC1
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Persepolis **
10-Mar 21:00:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - View From A Grain Of Sand **
10-Mar 21:00:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** "Women of Havering", an International Women's Day Celebration! **
11-Mar 14:00:00 (LB Havering) London
** Women Are Doing It ... Human Rights Watch International Film Festival (12th-21st) **
12-Mar (Human Rights Watch) London various
** IWD City University - The Changing World of Work and the
Implications for Career Management Workshop **
13-Mar 12:00:00 (Not known) London Central
** BEV Film Festival 2008 - Caramel **
13-Mar 18:30:00 (Bird's Eye View) London WC1
** London Festival of Black Female Voices 2008 **
15-Mar 19:30:00 (Black Women in the Arts) London N15

The British Museum

Well now you are already in London, so you just gotta, gotta, gotta check out the British Museum in Bloomsbury, WC1. Go from room to room and floor to floor and watch the evolution of humankind. The museum is open every day from 10.00 – 17.30 with Thursday and Friday being the late nights. Also it is free to all visitors. There are some exhibitions that charge for admissions, but most of the museum is a free voyeur’s paradise. Still consider making a donation at the front the museums in one of the tasteful donation containers. Or better yet become a member of this testament to humanity’s ingenuity and sheer survival against all odds throughout the ages.

Oh yeah then there are the amazing gift shops with a special gift shop for children. There are films and lectures and cafe and visitors from every single nook and cranny that makes up the planet earth.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the British Museum a bastion of humanity’s evolution.

Nearest Tubes: Russell Square and Tottenham Court Road
Address: Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7323 8000/8299
Fax: +44 (0)20 7323 8616
Email: information@britishmuseum.org

International Women’s Day is 08th March 2008, and there is no better place to celebrate it then London, England – the most global capital in the world. Read about planned events for this most electric day for women world-wide. And every now and again I will post human rights issues near and dear to my heart.