30 December 2007

Some history on International Women's Day

International Women's Day (08th March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. Women across the globe, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate IWD..........................The Day is now a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

25 December 2007

Calling a Million Women to rise (in London on 08th March 2008)

The Million Woman Rise will include a day (Saturday, 08th March 2008) of speeches, prayer and music. Thousands of women are expected at the rally, which aims to address violence against women through political, social and economic solidarity.

Here is the link to their website:


And for more information or to get involved email info@millionwomenrise.com


Capitalwoman sponsored by Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London’s office, is now in its eighth year, will kick off International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March 2008 at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and Central Hall Westminster in London.

Offering your chance to have a say in the way the capital is run. There’ll be an exciting programme of workshops, exhibitions, non-traditional careers and business advice as well as fashion, film comedy and music. Also you have the unique opportunity to network with women from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures.

Lastly don't miss this chance to see Angela Davis, one of the most iconic faces of black politics in 1970s America, talk about her life and take questions.

Register online by reserving your place at this inspiring, entertaining and informative free event celebrating London's women.

For more information go to:


An American celebrating Int'l Women's Day in London

I am an American national and an Anglophile with a political bent leaning towards women's activism. For over two decades I have traveled to and from London. And for brief periods of times I have called London home.

In early March 2008 I will be in London, England celebrating International Women’s Day. In that light I would like to connect with other women (American and not) traveling to the capital for the festivities. Over the next three months I will post everything from information on IWD events taking place in London, contact information for London based women’s group to discounted hotel and airline information.

Welcome to my blog.

International Women’s Day is 08th March 2008, and there is no better place to celebrate it then London, England – the most global capital in the world. Read about planned events for this most electric day for women world-wide. And every now and again I will post human rights issues near and dear to my heart.